Openness Towards Patients
Clinician openness towards patients is a multivalent concept with various meanings. From my work with psychiatry residents and other mental [...]
Clinician openness towards patients is a multivalent concept with various meanings. From my work with psychiatry residents and other mental [...]
Before a patient walks into your office, you’re just a random clinician the patient got an appointment with. That patient [...]
As clinicians, we meet hundreds or thousands of patients every year. What they all have in common, it is safe [...]
A little while ago I went to a sit-down restaurant for lunch. I had to smile when the 20-something-year-old server [...]
To answer the question in the heading – too much empathy can be bad for the empathizer and the person [...]
A lot of our suffering is self-induced and occurs from our perception of personal shortcomings. It’s easy to be disappointed [...]